Tuesday 26 October 2010

That First Day!

Ok so i wake up, it's a normal day; just like any other. I wake up, get dressed etc. Then as i walk to the lift i glance out the window to find IT HAS SNOWED!!! This is a revelation, the weather forecast has been predicting it for a while now, but that slipped my mind since only the day before yesterday it was jeans and a t-shirt weather; sunny and gorgeously warm. I totally forgot the research i did before i came about sudden shifts in weather patterns.

The sudden blanket of snow, which in just one night is deeper than i've ever had in England, is fantastic. I'm crazily bouncing up and down with excitement, which simply bemuses my canadian friends, who seem simply detached from the snow. They all keep saying that it will go soon enough; "the first snowfall never stays!"

By the time i manage to get my camera out and take any pictures, it's around 17:00 and most of the snow has settled and been trampled or melted slightly. And my camera is being a massive pain in the proverbial backside and refusing to relinquish it's photos so there are no photos as of yet.

Oh and the odd thing is even though it's snowed and everything; it really doesn't seem that cold yet; maybe it's just over preparation on my part, but it seems the cold is severely over-rated so far. We'll see what i have to say on the subject by the end of December! (It having reached -30˚ last winter)

I shall be blogging soon about my trip to Banff, that post is in the works, sufficed to say it was a fantastic trip! Ta Ta for now!



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