Saturday 19 January 2013


Gothenburg's frozen Lake Deljsön

So the end of my study abroad has finally arrived. It’s been imminent for a long time now - many others have already left, I rushed to do the things I hadn’t already done, I revisited my favourite places - and yet, as I write this waiting to go to the airport, I still can’t believe it’s about to end (maybe with good reason, as there’s a good chance my flight will be cancelled due to the snow, and to be honest, I wouldn’t mind!). It makes me sad to think that within the next 48 hours I will be back at Keele for the new semester, and this amazing period of my life will be behind me.

But as sad as it is to leave, I have absolutely no regrets – studying abroad has been the best experience of my life. I have made some great friends from all over the world, which have given me (if I needed it) even more reason to travel from now on. I’ve visited so many places in a region of the world I previously knew very little about and had no interest in. I’ve seen the northern lights, the ice hotel, gone snowmobiling through Lapland, spent new years in Stockholm, travelled to three other countries. I’ve taken Swedish lessons. I’ve taken some interesting courses and now have a completely different approach to my degree. It’s not quite like I’ve been on an extended holiday, but I’ve sure done a lot more here than I would normally do at Keele!

NYE in Stockholm

One of my friends said the semester abroad was mandatory at her university, and I almost feel the same should be true here. When I was first considering it, there were so many reasons not to go, and now I can’t believe I even questioned the idea of going. Two of the main reasons I hear from people who didn’t study abroad are that it costs extra and they didn’t want to be away from their friends and family. These are perfectly understandable, and I had the same doubts, but I think an Erasmus semester in particular is ideal for dealing with these. The Erasmus grant helps with the extra costs, and it’s much easier to have people visit, or to go home for Christmas etc. and a quick glance at a map reminds you that you’re not that far away in the grand scheme of things! Anyway, my advice for anyone still considering going (perhaps too late for this year), is just go for it, you won't regret it. And for those continuing on or about to start next semester, make the most of it and do everything!

An emotional goodbye to my 'Swedish family' 

1 comment:

  1. Every Journey as to End so as The New one can begin.. Really Heart warming post. MKT 421 Final Exam
