Friday 6 January 2012

Things I learnt/are must see from my Study Abroad Experience

I disappeared for a while, but midterms then coursework then travelling then… Life took over. But I’m back in England now and here is my list of 100 all about my experience in Canada…

1) Plane food isn’t as bad as I was expecting
2) Canadians are really polite and, generally, nice people
3) Residence (Res)/Accommodation is much stricter in comparison to Keele
4) Events organised by Res are fun and definitely worth going to
5) Reliving being a first year in Frosh week by making new friends is just as good the second time round
6) I am really bad at blackjack
7) Canada is both a hot and a cold country
8) Canada has the most amazing waterfalls I have ever seen (Niagara, DeCew and Montgomery come to mind)
9) The cultural/historic sections of cities interest me
10) The “older” feeling cities tend to have horse and carriages in them
11) You get soaked in the maid of the mist boat tour
12) But get excellent pictures of the falls
13) Niagara Falls is a tourist trap, spend little
14) Toronto is beautiful to drive into from St Catharines
15) The CN Tower is huge
16) The best view of the city is up in the Tower
17) But don’t eat there, too expensive
18) Toronto Islands are a definite must see if the weather is nice
19) Grape Stomping is a good idea in white clothes
20) Unless you are silly enough to not wash them for two weeks. Bleugh.
21) I now cannot stand the smell of “grape flavour” nor do I like grape juice
22) However I still like wine
23) Ottawa is very green, and a mix of old and new
24) Dairy Queen is the .greatest chain ice-cream shop. Ever
25) Coaches are slow and can be uncomfortable
26) Do not travel at peak time on the last day of Thanksgiving from the north of Toronto, the traffic is horrendous
27) Turning 19 is a special celebration, if your housemate is turning 19 ensure that their first legal drink is a nice one
28) St Catharines has a surprising amount of bars
29) But a surprisingly few amount of taxis past 2am
30) Canadians take Halloween very seriously. Take part.
31) It’s acceptable to go to a Halloween party dressed as a “glamorous housewife”
32) Rugby games are not the same, but some Canadians are now better educated about the sport from me telling them about it
33) The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is awesome and definitely worth going to
34) Especially for the butter sculptures and the giant pumpkins
35) Hockey games are awesome and incredibly funny
36) Ensure that you get on the school bus back to Brock, even if you didn’t get on it on the way there
37) Fighting is the best part of the hockey game
38) Go and try some Canadian wine, look around a winery, it’s fun and very educational
39) Try ice wine
40) Eat the Christmas cookies that your housemate makes out of a packet, you are just saving her from herself
41) Make friends with the International Students, but do not forget the Canadians
42) Ensure that you know at least one person from each continent
43) Midterms are taken very seriously, take them as seriously
44) Class tests can take a variety of forms, many are unannounced
45) Travel far and wide, as much as your budget allows
46) When in Quebec, try to learn some French first
47) Montreal has an awesome Fine Art Museum, spend a long time in there if it is snowy and cold
48) Go to Montreal in December, they have amazing Christmas decorations
49) Visit McGill University, it’s beautiful and has a good natural history museum
50) Quebec City has a really good history
51) Quebec City has some really beautiful buildings and is the only city I have ever been to that I can safely say is “cute”
52) Quebec City has a church in the centre of the old town which has a two year waiting list for weddings
53) Montgomery Falls, Quebec is 30m taller than Niagara Falls
54) The European Markets in Quebec tend to be run by locals of that nationality
55) If possible, drink hot maple cider
56) Montreal has a Notre Dame
57) Go to an OHL game
58) Alcohol is expensive
59) Tracking the exchange rate becomes a hobby
60) Student Finance are terrible
61) Jetlag will probably cripple you
62) Be wary of the chocolate
63) Fuzzy peaches are the greatest jelly sweet ever
64) The “Beer Run” song can be heard at any one time on campus, or just in my court
65) Go to all court/floor meetings, all sorts of interesting information is given out
66) Let everyone compliment you on your accent
67) You will hear many many awful attempts at a British accent
68) Eat perogies
69) Pancakes are acceptable to eat at any time
70) Pancakes, bacon, sausage and maple syrup go excellently together
71) Accept that the currency does look Monopoly money but never tell the locals this
72) If you do not drink tea and you are British, just accept that you will always hear “but you are British”
73) Eat out, St Catharines has some amazing restaurants
74) The Mandarin is amazing
75) Go travelling alone
76) Developing an accent is natural
77) Educate people about the British music which doesn’t make it over the pond
78) Watch Space, the greatest TV channel on the planet – Doctor Who three times a day Tuesday to Friday
79) Skype home often
80) Facebook friends and accept that they are stalking your profile more than usual
81) Plan for when you return
82) Try to be awake for Christmas Day
83) Accept that the time difference sucks and that you will have to make a Canada slot to talk to people
84) Wal-Mart is an amazing store, shop there
85) The gym and the Olympic sized pool are free
86) The buses are based on a bus pass system
87) Relearn how to cross the road
88) Go to Wendy’s
89) Tim Horton’s will save your life
90) If there are Keele students, still talk to them
91) Make friends for life
92) Make friends with the people in the International Office
93) Prepare for home to be different
94) See friends and tell them about your experience
95) Ensure that everything in the portfolio is taken home
96) Relearn how to cross the road when you get back home
97) Point out differences when at home
98) Show off your new accent
99) Crave thick pancakes for no real reason
100) Remember to do blog entries when you say that you will…

Canada was the most amazing country and I am so glad I could have this opportunity. I have made friends all over the world, seen so many new cities. It’s strange being back at home.

Back in the bubble in a few weeks, I’m pretty excited to see everyone and move into my new house. I’m making a scrap book so I can keep the memories in a book to keep forever and everyone loves a few photos. Making the book has made me realise how much I have achieved over the 4 month period. I went to Montreal and Quebec City alone, lived in a different country and managed to see a little bit of Canadian life.

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